How Techni Waterjet and GMM are innovating the stone industry by offering a new fully automated dual-use machine: the utlimate SawJet Combo system.
Overcome the competitors
Minimise turnaround time
Increase revenue
Extend customer base and secure larger contracts
Improved capabilities, flexibility and quality
Increased automation with latest technology
Higher return on machine investment, lower cost per part production, savings on maintenance and costs of operation
Ability to produce more complex geometries, and no need for third party partners
Industry of Reference and Business Model
Founded in 2006 and located in the historic heart of the marble production in Valpolicella, Marmi Oliosi is a family-run company, born to satisfy the most demanding requests of the market, managing customized works tailored to the needs of their clients.
Working with every type of stone, in particular marble, granite, basalt, onyx, quartz, porphyry, they take care of the complete service cycle, from the choice of materials to their installation, monitoring each phase of the process to ensure customer satisfaction.
In 2012 the company was moved to a new facility where, after the initial GMM machines, others were installed to satisfy the increasing demand of the Made in Italy designers.
Stepping Ahead of the Competition
To keep up with their high reputation of being the stone manufacturer of reference in the Verona area (northern Italy), they installed the new “COMBO” SawJet fully automated dual-use machine: an integrated 5-axis saw and a 5-axis Waterjet building a revolutionary concept system for cutting all type of stones including the rising new porcelain material.
The system is based on the concept of having two units working simultaneously but being driven from a single software: the powerful GMM CAD. With a unique interface, the system performs diamond blade cutting on the saw table, then the parts are transferred to the waterjet bed by the vacuum head of the saw. Here is where the more intricate works (small radius, holes, cut-outs) are done by the 5-axis jet.
The COMBO SawJet can also work as two separate cutting machines, totally independent from each other.
Capabilities of an Extraordinary Piece of Technology
The COMBO SawJet was developed by Techni and GMM in 2019 with the idea of producing the most evolved stone machinery in the industry. Now, customers like Marmi Oliosi can extremely improve their capabilities and productivity with the conjunction of 2 of our best machines:
The Intra 520 CN2 with a 3.5 x 2 metre table, fully interpolated 5-axis 370 degree rotating head, inclination range 0-90 degrees and Z axis travel of 400 mm.
An Investment Toward the Future
Marmi Oliosi can now easily and effectively produce complex shapes with precision at a low cost, decreasing turnaround time and with no limit to the materials they can work with.
They can also count on the most advanced technology available which translates into operation simplicity, efficiency and reliability.
Techni/GMM OEM service and support ensure their cutting technology is kept in top conditions, extending the lifespan of the entire system and dramatically reducing downtime.