Case Study

BSG Glass

A huge step forward moving from traditional glass cutting tools to advanced CNC waterjet technology with the purpose of sustainable business growth.

bsg glass with Techni
bsg logo



Lower cost of production

Increase profit margin

Extend customer base and secure larger contracts


Optimized production process

Highly efficient technology with low operational costs

Ability to produce more complex geometries, and replicate them with ease

Industry of Reference and Business Model

Thai Techno Glass Group PLC. (BSG Glass) is a leading manufacturer of processed glass for interior & exterior use in the Asia Pacific area. With 50 years of experience, the company has successfully expanded the business and has become a leading glass innovator that today counts more than 400 employees.

Thanks to exceptional performance in designs and quality, BSG Glass has widely served well-known architects, designers, and property owners with a variety of different applications, from flooring inlays to splash backs, from balustrades, to sky walks, and much more.

bsg headquarter

Innovation and Sustainability as Driving Factors

BSG Glass vision, starting from 2020 onward, was to grow sustainably and, at the same time, to offer high-tech glass products with focus on design innovation. During their market research, and after talking to Techni Sales Engineer, they found out that working with Techni was a perfect fit. In fact, green technology and innovation are the driving factors of our business model.

Techni Waterjet has innovated with its Electric Servo Pump, a product engineered to bring the waterjet industry into the new era of environmentally friendly production. The ESP, thanks to its patented design servo linear actuators, offers the best efficiency available on the high-pressure pumping market. A truly revolutionary product for the industry, that takes the best of technologies available to deliver real benefits like reduced power consumption thus reduced impact for the environment.

A Huge Step Forward

The use of traditional tools like drillers and angle grinders, did not seem like an effective way of processing glass slabs anymore. At BSG, they wanted to overcome limitations in terms of turnaround time, precision of the cut, and quantity of scrap material.

CNC technology leaves very little room for human error. Programming a project can be easily done and replicate in a few clicks. Also, a job that could be normally divided into 3 phasis – marking, drilling, cutting – would be done in one simple, efficient, and reliable step.

drilling and grinding
bsg waterjet
This is why at BSG they decided to purchase a waterjet CNC. Their particular system is composed of an Intec™G2 713 waterjet cutter (cutting area: 2000 x 4000 meter) with EZY-Load option and Quantum® VP15/52 Patented Electric Servo Pump; Techni’s equipment is best choice for Glass applications.
bsg i713 ezyload

The EZY-Load lifting arms make handling the glass slabs safer and more convenient: electrically actuated tilting arms allow the material to be loaded in vertical position and automatically lowered onto the cutting bed of the waterjet. Rubber strips along the slats complete the smooth handling of the slab by ensuring the glass does not chip away.

What Prompted BSG Glass to Techni Waterjet

Typically glass waterjet cutting cycles are 75% rapid movements + loading time. Especially in these conditions, where only 25% of the process is actual cutting, Techni Quantum pump gives huge environmental and cost-saving advantages.

When holding pressure between cuts, the pump motor and the lubrication circuit are turned off, absorbing less than 1 KW of power. Traditional pumping technologies like Hydraulic Intensifiers and Direct Drive require up to 14 KW while idling.

Techni Intec™G2 machines produce a very fine cutting stream of approximately 0.8mm or 0.031″, enabling the cutting of almost any shape out of a glass piece, no matter how fine or intricate.

With Techni Softec™, our proprietary waterjet software, the piercing pressure is automatically controlled. This is a feature specifically designed to ensure the glass does not crack (vent) when initially struck by the water stream.

bsg waterjet part

Real Benefits and Peace of Mind

With no traditional tooling cutters to maintain, no load from the cutting process being applied to the material, and the benefits that both Techni machine and pump are able to deliver, BSG had no doubt they found the partner they were looking for.

In addition to that, Techni Waterjet is the only manufacturer in Thailand, which means BSG Glass can count on OEM parts timely available, and even more importantly, on OEM service and support to ensure their equipment runs at its best performances for a very long time.

Production Manager, Mr. Pongpan stated:

“Techni engineers are really knowledgeable, from the selling to the installation stage they have provided a flowless service that is very promising for the coming future of our relationship. Despite being new to the waterjet technology, we are confident that with the extensive training provided and the local support we won’t be left behind.”

Mr. Pongpan added:

“Since we greatly improved our production capabilities, and with the technology we now have at our disposal, we are looking at opening our business to new markets and consistently grow our business in the respect of our environment.”

To learn more about BSG Glass visit
