What can you do with

Intec™G2 Waterjet
CNC Machines

The Intec™G2 Waterjet CNC Machines will bring huge benefits and increased capabilities to your operation. Below are some possibilities you will likely experience when using our CNC waterjet cutters.
i713 Machine - TECHNI Waterjet
Cutting Puzzles - TECHNI Waterjet
Cut accurate parts in virtually any material.
Cut Materials - TECHNI Waterjet
Cut parts up to 12” thick in virtually any material.
Manufacturing onsite - TECHNI Waterjet
Cut and manufacture Kitchen Benchtops easily.
Creating Frameless Works - TECHNI Waterjet
Create frameless shower screens or cut window panels to size.
Sample Cutting - TECHNI Waterjet
Create signs or intricate metal designs that can be used for artwork, tooling or fencing.

Why use the Intec™G2 Series CNC Waterjet Machines

Simple and Safe to Use - TECHNI Waterjet
Simple to use means no special skills are required to produce accurate parts in any material.
Superior Time Management Logo - TECHNI Waterjet
Superior edge quality means more time saved on secondary finishing.
Lights Cutting - TECHNI Waterjet
Lights out cutting means the machine will keep making you money while doing what you want or need to do.
Simple and Safe to Use - TECHNI Waterjet
Versatile cutting allows you to cut multiple material types on the same bed without changing tooling. Cutting under cold water

Materials You Can Cut

Intec™G2 Waterjet Machines Overview

Intec™G2 Waterjet CNC Machine Overview


Intec™G2 Abrasive Waterjet Series Range

All of our Intec™G2 Series CNC Waterjet machines come equipped with the latest advancements and features to ensure maximum accuracy and cutting performance.
i35 Cutter - TECHNI Waterjet


Waterjet Cutting

Machine Size
(L x W x H)
1700 x 2600 x 2050 mm
67" x 102.3" x 80.7"
Cutting Area915 x 1525 mm
36" x 60"
Machine TypeCantilever
Accuracy of Motion
0.1 mm - 0.004"
Max Material Thickness200 mm - 8"
Materials that can be CutListed here
PriceEnquire for Price

i35-G2 Waterjet Cutting Machine - TECHNI Waterjet

i613 Mini - TECHNI Waterjet


Waterjet Cutting

Machine Size
(L x W x H)
5200 x 2700 x 2300 mm
205” x 106” x 91”
Cutting Area1700 x 3700 mm
66.9” x 145.7”
Machine TypeMonoblock
Accuracy of Motion
±0.15 mm - 0.006"
Max Material Thickness130 mm - 5"
Materials that can be CutListed here
PriceEnquire for Price

i613-G2 Waterjet Cutting Machine - TECHNI Waterjet

Water Cutting Machine Width - TECHNI Waterjet


Waterjet Cutting

Machine Size
(L x W x H)
6580 x 3500 x 2100 mm
269.7” x 137.8” x 82.7”
Cutting Area2350 x 4750 mm
92.5” x 187”
Machine TypeGantry
Accuracy of Motion
±0.15 mm - 0.006"
Max Material Thickness200 mm - 8"
Materials that can be CutListed here
PriceEnquire for Price

i815-G2 Waterjet Cutting Machine - TECHNI Waterjet

i1033 Cutter - TECHNI Waterjet


Waterjet Cutting

Machine Size
(L x W x H)
12800 x 5400 x 2200 mm
503.9” x 212.6” x 86.6”
Cutting Area10000 x 3000 mm
393.7” x 118.1”
Machine TypeGantry
Accuracy of Motion
± 0.1 mm - 0.004”
Max Material Thickness200 mm - 8"
Materials that can be CutListed here
PriceEnquire for Price

i1033-G2 Waterjet Cutting Machine - TECHNI Waterjet

i510 Cutter - TECHNI Waterjet


Waterjet Cutting

Machine Size
(L x W x H)
4200 x 2350 x 2050 mm
165” x 92” x 80.7”
Cutting Area 1525 x 3050 mm
60" x 120"
Machine TypeCantilever
Accuracy of Motion
±0.12 mm - 0.005"
Max Material Thickness200 mm - 8"
Materials that can be CutListed here
PriceEnquire for Price

i510-G2 Waterjet Cutting Machine - TECHNI Waterjet

Water Cutting Machine Width - TECHNI Waterjet


Waterjet Cutting

Machine Size
(L x W x H)
5800 x 3100 x 2100 mm
228" x 122" x 82.7"
Cutting Area2000 x 4000 mm
78.7" x 157.5"
Machine TypeGantry
Accuracy of Motion
±0.15 mm - 0.006"
Max Material Thickness200 mm - 8"
Materials that can be CutListed here
PriceEnquire for Price

i713-G2 Waterjet Cutting Machine - TECHNI Waterjet

Water Cutting Machine Width - TECHNI Waterjet


Waterjet Cutting

Machine Size
(L x W x H)
8000 x 4200 x 2000 mm
315" x 165.3" x 78.7"
Cutting Area3050 x 6100 mm
120" x 240"
Machine TypeGantry
Accuracy of Motion
±0.15 mm - 0.006"
Max Material Thickness200 mm - 8"
Materials that can be CutListed here
PriceEnquire for Price

i1020-G2 Waterjet Cutting Machine - TECHNI Waterjet


Intec™G2 Series


Remote Control - TECHNI Waterjet

Remote Control Pendant

The MPG allows to manually wind forward or backward through a cutting path. This enables the operator to find the exact point along a cutting path from which to re-start cutting after a stoppage or to accurately locate a pre-cut part.

Break Away Head - TECHNI Waterjet

Break Away Head

When the cutting head inadvertently crashes into a clamp or fixture or hits the edge of a workpiece or an upturned part, the Break Away Head will detect the crash and automatically stop the machine.

Tech Sense™ - TECHNI Waterjet

Tech Sense

With our new variable abrasive feeder, the software automatically adjusts garnet supply to the cutting head, e.g. during low-pressure piercing. In addition, the Tech-Sense™ Monitoring System enables truly unattended operation. After an interruption, the cutting program can be easily resumed.

Water Raise & Lower - TECHNI Waterjet

Water Raise & Lower

Automatic water Raise/Lower at the push of a button for submerged cutting: our tanks include airtight welds of an air chamber which uses normal shop air pressure. No moving parts are required. An on/off solenoid valve allows water level adjustment within a few seconds.

Servo Z Axis - TECHNI Waterjet

Servo Z Axis

Programmable Z axis with auto height position recall, laser terrain mapping and edge location optics.

Abrasive Pump and Hopper - TECHNI Waterjet


The hinged lid on the hopper system allows easy access to inspect and fill without de-pressurising. The clear pump chamber allows a quick visual to ensure the abrasive is present and flowing correctly.

Remote Control - TECHNI Waterjet

Remote Control Pendant

The MPG allows to manually wind forward or backward through a cutting path. This enables the operator to find the exact point along a cutting path from which to re-start cutting after a stoppage or to accurately locate a pre-cut part.

Break Away Head

Break Away Head - TECHNI Waterjet

Break Away Head

When the cutting head inadvertently crashes into a clamp or fixture or hits the edge of a workpiece or an upturned part, the Break Away Head will detect the crash and automatically stop the machine.

Tech Sense

Tech Sense - TECHNI Waterjet

Tech Sense

Tech Sense monitoring system provides the ability to run a night shift without the need for an attending operator. Should the cutting be disrupted e.g. blocked nozzle, the machine will pause the program and send a text message to your cell phone (SMS Notification option must be fitted.)

Water Raise & Lower

Water Raise & Lower - TECHNI Waterjet

Water Raise & Lower

Automatic water Raise/Lower at the push of a button for submerged cutting: our tanks include airtight welds of an air chamber which uses normal shop air pressure. No moving parts are required. An on/off solenoid valve allows water level adjustment within a few seconds.

Servo Z Axis
Servo Z Axis - TECHNI Waterjet

Servo Z Axis

Programmable Z axis with auto height position recall, laser terrain mapping and edge location optics.

Abrasive Pump and Hopper - TECHNI Waterjet


The hinged lid on the hopper system allows easy access to inspect and fill without de-pressurising. The clear pump chamber allows a quick visual to ensure the abrasive is present and flowing correctly.

Live Features
Join our Sales Director as he walks you through the main features of the Intec™G2 CNC waterjet machines
Question and Answer - TECHNI Waterjet

Speak to a Intec™G2 Specialist

Efficiency with these Additional Options


Laser Mapping

The Laser performs a precise terrain map of the workpiece to increase the accuracy of the cut. Able to map piece points, the full sheet and paths, and find the sheet's origin and edges.

  • Increases Cutting Accuracy
  • Minimise Secondary Operations
  • Boosts Machine Operating Efficiency

Laser Mapping - TECHNI Waterjet



The Touch-Probe performs terrain mapping by touching the surface of the slab. This allows the cutting head to automatically adjust its standoff. Ideal for materials not suitable for laser, such as reflective and translucent materials.

  • Increase Cutting Accuracy
  • Minimise Secondary Finishing

Touch Probe


High-Pressure Gauge

The HP gauge displays the pressure of the high-pressure water line right at the cutting head. This allows the operator to see the actual pressure supplied at the cutting head.

  • Assists in troubleshooting
  • Improves machine safety
  • Allows for accurate cutting pressure

High Pressure Gauge


Dual Head Cutting

The twin cutting heads work together to increase cutting productivity. The Waterjet machine will run the program once with twice the amount of parts being cut. Pump power is a crucial decision variable when considering this option.

  • Minimises the cutting time
  • Boost workshop productivity
  • Produces twice amount of parts

Dual Head Cutting


Garnet Removal
System (GRS)

The Garnet removal system collects abrasive accumulated in the bottom of the Waterjet tank. The abrasive is then pumped to the GRS, where it settles into a bag while the clean water is returned to the waterjet tank.

  • Saves time in cleaning out the catcher tank
  • No need to stop production to clean tank
  • Abrasive material can be disposed of simply and safely
  • Water is reused minimising waste and cost

Garnet Removal System


Safety Light Curtain

Allows access only when the cutting cycle is complete, and the high pressure is turned off. If the operator enters while the machine is cutting, the system is automatically paused.

  • Creates a safer workshop environment
  • Minimises risk of injury

Safety Light Curtain


Tech-Vision Camera

To effectively match parts that will be mounted close together, the Tech-Vision camera helps the operator to perform bookend and waterfall matching panels.

  • Allows for more complex geometries
  • Accurately produce matching parts

Tech-Vision Camera



Intuitive easy to use app for smartphones to see real time information of your pump and machine. Everything you would normally monitor while standing at the machine can now be done in the palm of your hand.

  • Machine and pump activity
  • Maintenance schedule
  • Cutting calculator
  • Alarms monitor
  • Support links
  • Cutting logs
  • Service logs
  • Camera
  • … and much more


Laser mapping


Laser Mapping

The Laser performs a precise terrain map of the workpiece to increase the accuracy of the cut. Able to map piece points, the full sheet and paths, and find the sheet's origin and edges.

  • Increases Cutting Accuracy
  • Minimise Secondary Operations
  • Boosts Machine Operating Efficiency

Laser Mapping - TECHNI Waterjet




The Touch-Probe performs terrain mapping by touching the surface of the slab. This allows the cutting head to automatically adjust its standoff. Ideal for materials not suitable for laser, such as reflective and translucent materials.

  • Increase Cutting Accuracy
  • Minimise Secondary Finishing

Touch - Probe

High-Pressure Gauge


High-Pressure Gauge

The HP gauge displays the pressure of the high-pressure water line right at the cutting head. This allows the operator to see the actual pressure supplied at the cutting head.

  • Assists in troubleshooting
  • Improves machine safety
  • Allows for accurate cutting pressure

High Pressure Gauge

Dual Head Cutting


Dual Head Cutting

The twin cutting heads work together to increase cutting productivity. The Waterjet machine will run the program once with twice the amount of parts being cut. Pump power is a crucial decision variable when considering this option.

  • Minimises the cutting time
  • Boost workshop productivity
  • Produces twice amount of parts

Dual Head Cutting

Garnet Removal System


Garnet Removal
System (GRS)

The Garnet removal system collects abrasive accumulated in the bottom of the Waterjet tank. The abrasive is then pumped to the GRS, where it settles into a bag while the clean water is returned to the waterjet tank.

  • Saves time in cleaning out the catcher tank
  • No need to stop production to clean tank
  • Abrasive material can be disposed of simply and safely
  • Water is reused minimising waste and cost

Garnet Removal System

Safety Light Curtain


Safety Light Curtain

Allows access only when the cutting cycle is complete, and the high pressure is turned off. If the operator enters while the machine is cutting, the system is automatically paused.

  • Creates a safer workshop environment
  • Minimises risk of injury

Safety Light Curtain

Tech-Vision Camera


Tech-Vision Camera

To effectively match parts that will be mounted close together, the Tech-Vision camera helps the operator to perform bookend and waterfall matching panels.

  • Allows for more complex geometries
  • Accurately produce matching parts

Tech-Vision Camera




Intuitive easy to use app available on iPhone and Android smartphones to see real time information of your pump and machine. Everything you would normally monitor while standing at the machine can now be done in the palm of your hand. You just need an internet connection for the machine control and a phone for the app.

  • Machine and pump activity
  • Maintenance schedule
  • Cutting calculator
  • Alarms monitor
  • Support links
  • Cutting logs
  • Service logs
  • Camera
  • … and much more


Waterjet Cutting Performance and Versatility
Pair your Intec™G2 CNC waterjet machine with our very own patented PAC60™ 5 Axis cutting Head. Your 2 dimensional abrasive waterjet will then become a 3 dimensional CNC machine, capable of cutting parts with angled edges. The PAC60™ incorporates the True Cut algorithms data base, developed to determine the predicted taper at a given surface finish.
Tilted PAC 60 - TECHNI Waterjet
Superior Benefits
  • Cutting parts with a true angle up to +/- 60 degrees.
  • Continuous rotation, increasing accuracy and efficiency.
  • Patented Technology to reduce cutting time significantly.
  • Complex 5-Axis Programming is made easy and quick to learn.
  • Surface Scanner to maintain a constant distance between nozzle and workpiece when cutting uneven slabs.
  • Positioning accuracy to ± 0.1 degrees.
  • Multi-pass cutting for edges with different angles, such as chamfers and counter sinks.
  • Taper cutting automatic compensation to produce perfectly straight edges at any cutting speed.
Intec™G2 Quantum® Pump

Take your Intec™G2 CNC waterjet cutting machine to the next level of performance with our award-winning Quantum® pump. Engineered & built specifically for the Intec™G2 Series, the Quantum® ensures accurate and consistent pressure, which means your cutting sustains high accuracy and a smooth cut edge from start to finish.

Superior Benefits
  • 60% More Efficient than standard hydraulic intensifiers
  • 70% Less Cooling Water than hydraulic intensifiers
  • Most Quiet pump on market
  • Most Ergonomic and easy to use pump
Quantum Pump
Softec - TECHNI Waterjet
Cutting Software

Our SoftecTM all-in-one cutting software is developed especially for our range of abrasive water jet cutting machines. Based on TRU-CutTM technology, our user-friendly software determines the optimum cutting speed and machine ramping characteristics to give you the perfect parts every time. Once you select the material to be cut, its thickness and surface edge, the computer will take care of the rest.

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